Originally published Washington Post in 2003, this Q&A from House Detective, Barry Stone is essential knowledge for every home owner. DEAR BARRY: We have a split-level house and have had problems heating the downstairs family room. It just doesn't get as warm as the rest of the house. This room is side by side with the walk-in sub-area, and we're wondering if we should close the sub-area Continue Reading
Housing Matters Podcast
The Housing Matters Podcast is your housing hub for market analysis, economic trends, and housing news from the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.). Hear the latest episode every other Friday to learn what you need to know about the market from C.A.R. experts who will give you their take on the week’s top real estate stories. Click here to hear the podcast and download the app Continue Reading
C.A.R. Disaster Relief
California REALTORS® offer housing assistance grants to those who have lost their home in these tragic fires. Thanks to a $1 million grant from the REALTORS® Relief Foundation, as well as generous contributions from the California Association of REALTORS®, state and local REALTOR® associations and other contributors, grants are available to affected homeowners and renters Continue Reading
October Market at a Glance
Focus on specific areas and sign up for monthly market reports here Continue Reading
How to Replace Weather Stripping
When weather stripping on doors and windows gets worn out, cold air comes sneaking in. Here’s how to replace weather stripping and stop air leaks. Weather stripping on windows and doors protects the home from air leaks while increasing comfort and saving energy. But as weather stripping ages, it loses its effectiveness. Stay ahead of the game by checking for Continue Reading
Proposition 5: Tax Portability
Learn More at VoteYesOnProp5.com Continue Reading
Sweet and secluded, but close to everything
Make your Sierra escape a real escape. This wondrous mountain home is less than an hour from Truckee, but it's worlds apart. Getting away to the Sierra isn't so much of a getaway when you're standing in line at the grocery store with everyone else who wants to get away. Break loose from the pack and make 1393 Highway 89 your mountain hideaway. This beautiful offers seclusion and serenity Continue Reading
Time to winterize!
When the last of summer's heat is a faint memory, and you're pulling out your hoodies more than your shorts, it's time to tackle a few simple chores that'll make winter more pleasant and prevent some nasty surprises next spring. This fall checklist helps: #1 Clean and Stow Your Mower If you’re not familiar with fuel stabilizer, get to know it. If your mower sits for months with gas in its Continue Reading
Three Parcels: One Great Opportunity
Three Great Parcels, One Fantastic Opportunity! Harvest Moon parcels are a unique offering in the Nakoma community. Three beautiful parcels have several building site options that offer plenty of privacy and wonderful views. All three are in the Gold Mountain community, but only one has Homeowner's Association dues. Why pay more? Zoned for horses! It’s one of only a handful that Continue Reading
Housing Issues on the Ballot
November is coming, and California’s voters will be asked to decide on two important housing issues: Prop 5 and Prop 10. Let’s take a look at propositions and what they mean to California. Proposition 5 California has an unfair moving penalty. Under current California law, property taxes are set at 1% of the assessed value of the property when purchased. This becomes known as the property’s Continue Reading